
Skin care- cold water for relief from puffy eyes

Swollen or puffy skin around the eyes is referred to as puffy eyes and is caused by various reasons like lack of sleep, a genetic predisposition and some medications which lead to fluid retention. Even the aging process increases the puffiness around the eyes. There are however various home remedies which help get rid of this problem in a safe and natural way.

Skincare- Vitamin C helps reduce dark circles

If you have dark circles, don’t fret as it is the second most common dermatological complaint existing. Though it is thought stress, all night work and late night partying all cause dark circles, this is not true. It’s just lack of sleep makes the skin pale, thus emphasizing already existing dark circles.

Coconut oil helps lighten dark armpits

While chemicals and shaving are the main causes for dark underarms, even friction caused by excessive sweating and tight clothes can darken armpits it’s because tight clothes rub against sweaty skin to lead to friction and consequent darkening of the skin. Lack of hygiene can lead to infections, itching and scratching which in turn leads to rough, scaly and dark skin. Even pollution, buildup of skin cells, type-2 diabetes, genetic predispositions and hyper pigmentation can lead to dark armpits

5 Skincare tips to avoid dry skin this winter– Part 1

Most people associate winter with the snow and merriment. However in addition to this, there are many people who suffer with the consequences of the cold on their skin. The seasonal changes of the temperature and the lower humidity does trigger dryness and ashiness. While those with normal, oily or combination skin find their skin getting drier, those who already have dry or sensitive skin find their skin worsening during the winter months.

How to avoid dry skin this winter

Winter’s settled and you see snow all around you. The natural thing to do in this climate is to put all your sunscreens away and just bundle yourself in woolies if and when you go outside. You think you need not care much for your skin nowadays as you aren’t in the sun much. However it is this thought of yours which is wrong.
